Mediterranean College – Mobile Computing: Δράσεις και Εργαλεία

Mediterranean College invited me to give a talk on Mobile Computing: Δράσεις και Εργαλεία about “Android Applications, Επιχειρηματικές Δράσεις και Προκλήσεις”, a talk about business opportunities in the Android ecosystem.

I had a similar talk at “Athens Digital Week 09” but this one is going to be completely different.

Check the event here.

My keynotes:

Business Tools
Applications VS Games
Advertisements VS Paid Apps
Other revenue models
Business Models
-Build the App, Sell the App to Individuals
-Make the App, Sell the App to Enterprises
-Make the App, Sell the App to OEMs
-Make the App, Sell the App to Content Providers
-Make the App, Sell the App to Service Providers
Current Market State

Hope to see you there!


Presenting BugSense at Droidcon 2011

Great news, I will presenting BugSense at Droidcon 2011!

I really love the short bio:

Konstantinos is one of the earliest Android developers and evangelists of the platform in Greece. He has developed for leading enterprises and startups like Taxibeat. He also loves to hack with his friends at BugSense making sure that he delivers apps that do not suck. He is also leading the greek Android community.

It seems to be a very good conference, check out the speakers!


Android XML Code format

It’s been a while since I last posted something about android programming.
From my point of view, this is a great thing, there is an untold story lying here! :)

Working with the Android UI requires a lot of XML “syntaxing”. (I’m sorry, I do not like the use of the words “programming” or “develpment” for XML).
Eclipse was a beautiful feature, called “Code formatter” where you press Ctrl + Shift + F (Format) and it nicely formats your code.
It works like a charm as long as the code is Java. When the code is XML, it does tide the code, but it is still non easily readable.

example of formatted but not well readable XML code:

Fortunately, there is a way for the eclipse code formatter to tide the XML code even more and make it way more readable.
Just go to Preferences -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor and check the “Split multiple attributes each on a new line”.

Now you have this:

enjoy! =)


Useful quote

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the way.
