in Personal

Mediterranean College – Mobile Computing: Δράσεις και Εργαλεία

Mediterranean College invited me to give a talk on Mobile Computing: Δράσεις και Εργαλεία about “Android Applications, Επιχειρηματικές Δράσεις και Προκλήσεις”, a talk about business opportunities in the Android ecosystem.

I had a similar talk at “Athens Digital Week 09” but this one is going to be completely different.

Check the event here.

My keynotes:

Business Tools
Applications VS Games
Advertisements VS Paid Apps
Other revenue models
Business Models
-Build the App, Sell the App to Individuals
-Make the App, Sell the App to Enterprises
-Make the App, Sell the App to OEMs
-Make the App, Sell the App to Content Providers
-Make the App, Sell the App to Service Providers
Current Market State

Hope to see you there!
