Droidcon London Oct 6-7

Droidcon London, Oct 6-7

Droidcon is UK’s largest conference talking exclusively about Android development and applications.

Droidcon 2011 will take place at Islington Design Centre on the 6th-7th October 2011 and will feature the cream of the Android developer world.

The first day will be community led with a full day Barcamp and democamp, where participants will take the stage to propose talks, discussions and showcase their applications.

The second day will be a conference day with presentation from the world’s experts in Android presenting on the latest applications and usage of the mobile platform

As the programme comes together, we will post news of each speaker and each exciting development for the event’s agenda.

We hope you can join us for droidcon london 2011.

If you would like to talk or be involved in Droidcon just send us a note!

Missing Droidcon London 2010? You can still see some of the videos and speakers!


Styled text in TextView

The easiest way of having styled text in a TextView is to use HTML and it is very easy to do it:

mTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml("This is a < b >bold< /b > and < i >italics< /i > styled textview!"));


Android XML Code format

It’s been a while since I last posted something about android programming.
From my point of view, this is a great thing, there is an untold story lying here! :)

Working with the Android UI requires a lot of XML “syntaxing”. (I’m sorry, I do not like the use of the words “programming” or “develpment” for XML).
Eclipse was a beautiful feature, called “Code formatter” where you press Ctrl + Shift + F (Format) and it nicely formats your code.
It works like a charm as long as the code is Java. When the code is XML, it does tide the code, but it is still non easily readable.

example of formatted but not well readable XML code:

Fortunately, there is a way for the eclipse code formatter to tide the XML code even more and make it way more readable.
Just go to Preferences -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor and check the “Split multiple attributes each on a new line”.

Now you have this:

enjoy! =)


Great marketing

This is what I call “Great Marketing”.

Well played Friskies, well played.
