in Personal

Nokia goes with WP7, bad Nokia!

They say, the costumers are always right.

Check the comments from the Nokia Facebook page:

Two turkeys do not make an Eagle

Goodbye Nokia. Nice to had you around.


OMG! NOooooooooooooooo! Are you out of your minds?! Elop the Microsoft trojan is about to ruin Nokia.

bye bye nokia. welcome android =).

You were faced with difficult decisions, some of the alternatives were though, and you choose the worst possible one: Windows Phone Bye Bye

I will never buy Nokia again so the new ceo was a Trojan

nokia goodbye, I’ll have to sell my n8 and buy a galaxy s

And a lot more…

My comment:

what a pity, Android would be the *perfect* choice and I’m sure you know it.

Well, at least everything seems more logical if you check out Nokia’s CEO last position.
